Some Conjectures
Surprising Finding
All of the Primary Hierarchies, making up the complete Root Hierarchy of , have a specific correspondence to the Groupings in . This semi-neat arrangement of Root Levels with Groupings/Levels of a Structural Hierarchy was wholly unexpected.
The pattern is somewhat disordered and is puzzling. Ascending the Root Level order is: 6-5-1-2-3-4-7. This order has not been seen before and it deserves thought.
, the
The Structural Hierarchy derived from the various Primary Hierarchies seemed to be an especially relevant part of the correspondence.
Why this is so and what it signifies is obscure at this point. I have not come across this phenomenon before. But this is the first Structural Hierarchy that has been derived from a Principal Typology (via a Spiral). Since making this observation, a second derivation has been investigated in with similar findings.

During investigation of political participation, I was struck that (= ).
was strongly dependent on (= ), Also, I had initially explicitly labelled as aboutBut I still took no special notice.
However, when it became clear that
dealt with and required comments about and —items specifically clarified by , then the alignment became too striking to avoid.Three correspondences suggest something more than chance might be operating.
So I decided to investigate systematically whether there was a correspondence for each Grouping. It took just a moment to see that three of the remaining four Root Levels had a special affinity to a particular Grouping.
The one remaining was Grouping: . Awareness of the potential for correspondence helped in its clarification.
which had to be associated with the outstandingNothing needed altering. I was also helped to grasp the nature of
The same phenomenon will be found in all Structural Hierarchies derived from Tree Hierarchies constructed from Spirals based on the Principal Typologies (but perhaps not Spirals emerging from Subsidiary Typologies).
If the phenomenon does occur in this way:
correspondence of Root Hierarchy Levels and Groupings/Levels of the Structural Hierarchy will be a standard pattern
- correspondence to the first Grouping/Level of the Structural Hierarchy will emerge from the originating Primary Hierarchy (with no idea about the other 6 correspondences.)

These conjectures could be wrong, because:
The present framework has emerged from Primary Hierarchies. So the correspondence, and possibly even the existence of this Structural Hierarchy, may be just one more difference. Anything is possible, but this conjecture seems unlikely.
. Other work strongly suggests that is rather different from all the otherOnly further detailed inquiries will answer these and other questions.
Other Structural Hierarchies have not thrown up this phenomenon in an obvious way. However, a more detailed review is required of those Structural Hierarchies where there is most confidence.
The first posted confirmation was made in the employment framework (PH'1CsH) that emerged from a Spiral that has been validated over many years. A second check was posted in the framework of creativity components (RsH). Informal checks have been made on other non-posted frameworks.
So it seems very possible that a correspondence to Root Levels exists and has a standard pattern. Precise details of this correspondence are not yet determined.
Fellow-inquirers are welcome—get to work or email your interest.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010